Friday, March 14, 2008

Take The Next Step

I can tell that there will be days when it's difficult, but I've definitely turned a corner. I miss the relationship that we had, the good parts of her. I don't miss her. In fact, I can't stand her.

The events that took place in the past week showed me her true colors -- they showed me who she was, how she acted regardless of the stimuli. I won't take responsibility for 'screwing with her' anymore, because I didn't. She can make me feel like I did, but I didn't. There's no way to do the things that she said -- I'm just not made up of the things that she says.

It's a shame that she's crazy. There's a side of her that's the best. Unfortunately, that side's not the true her. It's someone that she's formed over the years, but it's not the ugly person that's underneath the surface.

Oh well, onward. I can't always write about it and wallow in it. Time to move on. Get myself together. Update the iPod so the sad songs aren't in there anymore. I'm tired of being sad. Tired of wallowing in my own pity. Time to enjoy life again. I'm tired of worrying about a crazy.

What did I learn, the biggest thing I figured out from this?

Never date a crazy.

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